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Septic Services

With septic systems and services, Portable Restoom Solutions specializes in a wide variety of residential and commercial applications and considers no job too small. Our trained technicians conduct a thorough diagnosis before starting work and we take care of our customers by going the extra mile, so you can be confident that the job will be done right.

Septic Tank Pumping and Cleaning

We recommend having your septic tank pumped and cleaned every two years, for an average family of four. Pumping and cleaning your septic tank will prevent issues with your receiving area that may become costly to fix.

So, how often does your tank need to be pumped? It depends on several key factors- the amount of usage the septic system gets based on the number of people and appliances in your household. The more people in your home the more often your tank needs to be pumped.

But on average, you should have your septic tank pumped approximately once every two years in order to prolong your drain fields. If you have a larger family, or if you have additional appliances, such as garbage disposals, you should have your septic tank pumped more often.

Septic Services

Septic Tank Inspection & Maintenance

Regular maintenance is critical to keep your septic system working well and functioning safely. This septic maintenance work starts with locating the septic tank and uncovering the entry point to the tank (also called the manhole) and the inspection ports. After locating the septic tank, the flow of water (hydraulic load test) through the system will be tested and the amount of sludge in the tank will be determined by pumping a portion of the tank.


During a septic tank inspection, the inspector should also check the drain fields and ensure that the septic tank is watertight, meaning there is no groundwater getting into the tank or wastewater getting out of it. The effluent filter is also checked. This is on the inside of the tank, at the rear baffle and it’s important to make sure this filter is being removed and rinsed so that no solids carry over into the drain fields, and to prevent septic system back-ups.

Septic Tank Service

Emergency Services

Sometimes you have unexpected trouble with your septic system and you might experience one of the following problems:

  • Overflowing toilets

  • Dishwasher and/or laundry waste draining into your yard

  • Drains which make strange gurgling noises

  • Sinks which backs up into your shower or bath tub

  • Strong odors coming from your drains or outside

  • Wet waste visible on your land

If you experience any of the symptoms above, call a professional at Portable Restroom Solutions right away. Waiting until you have a major problem might mean replacing your whole septic system, which can be very expensive.

Septic Tank Service
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